I just joined, I'm Marta from Nebraska, some of you already know me from other lists.
I have no FeLV kitties right now_just a FIV+, was diagnosed with FIP almost a year ago but he bounced back so well, most likely that isn't the problem. I'll know more on next vet check up next month.
We care for ferals in our town and last Sat took a 4 month old feral kitten to the vet b/c she looked so sick (not sick puppy sick but very lethargic unlike her, she's so wild I've seen so little of her)
She's been running a 105° fever_actually came down 1 degree this morning and upon tests was found very anemic, with an URI and coccidia_ so she's on subq's, Metacam (strange shouldn't have M reduced the fever by now, she got it this morning) and a combo of doxy and baytril for blood parasytes. They're feeding her  Nutrical.
I've thought of FIP or leuk as a possibility but she tested negative on the combo test (means little I know)_her mom was negative when we TNR' her_and she being a feral it sort of cuts the chances of having FIP but I don't know.
We're hoping the doxy cocktail will work for her anemia, I'll know more tomorrow.
I've been following the immuno regulin thread_Hideyo , I'm so sorry, sending prayers and best vibes for your little one_would it work on infectious anemia?
Thank-you very much and thank-you for this list.

Please visit my shop Cat Agora gifts for cat caregivers http://www.cafepress.com/marta                      

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