Thank you to all of you who responded about the
herniated disk.  I forwarded your messages to my
husband at work yesterday.  We paid a chiropractor
$3500 yesterday for 20 sessions on a spinal
decompression machine for lower back pain, a chair for
excersizes he can bring home, and a few other items. 
I hope this helps my husband, because at the rate he's
going, he won't be able to continue to work if this
doesn't help.  I'll let all of you know how it worked.
 If it doesn't work, hopefully we won't have to worry
about pre-existing as he hasn't seen a medical doctor
about the problem.  I wanted to ask Mary Christine
about parafon-forte and soma.  Are these both
medicines OTC, or does he need a prescrip for them?  I
have been coaxing my husband each time he has an
episode to try to relax and not tense up, but it's
hard for him not to.  Thank you again for helping us
out!!!  As always, this site has proved invaluable.


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