Thank you so much for your thoughts.  You are right, to have a support group would make a big difference.
What I wonder is, if I lost Satch, would I adopt another FeLV+ cat?  I like taking in the hard-to-adopt animals, because it does feel so good, so I think that I might, but I'm not sure - a support system would be a big change in this.  My Humane Society is no kill, so I don't feel like I need to rescue this kitten, which is nice, they do an excellent job of finding homes for their animals.  But just take a look at her:
What a cutie!  :)
And how wonderful about the retest, Kerry!!!  Did you follow a course of treatment to obtain this result?  If you've already discussed publicly, please send me the archived conversation, I'd love to read it.
As I've said privately in thanking those others who've responded, I'm really thrilled to have found this group!

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 16:25:10 -0500
From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N." < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Introduction and new cat question
To: < >

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Welcome Leslie! It's good to have you on board, although I'm sorry for
the reason you've had to find us.
I think you just answered your own question.
I think the capacity for heartbreak and pain that often accompanies a
commitment to our little FeLV souls varies according to the individual
(I say "often", by the way, because quite a few members have FeLV
positives that are a ripe old age, and happily still going strong).  I
have been humbled and amazed and inspired in turn by the sheer
dedication of so many of the wonderful people on this list to the
welfare of cats in need. Many--most?--of them have suffered heartbreak
over and over again but somehow gather the strength to keep going, to do
whatever they can for cats in need. I know I could not have got through
losing so many---4 sweet positives, 2 of whom I lost one after another
on the same awful day, and months later, a darling CRF cat, who I had
"fostered-for-life" in the meantime--without the support of the group. I
know that I'll lose more (unless I go first!); but I feel I'll get
through it. Knowing I can perhaps do a little to help improve the
quality of life of a cat that is totally dependent on me has so far
outweighed any inclination I may have had to protect myself from further
grief. But, I have to add that for me, at any rate, it would have been
much, much harder without the tremendous support of this group.
We'll be here for you, too.
My positives all enjoyed each other's company for the short time (18
months - 2 years) that they had, and I know that having each other added
to their quality of life. I have scores of photos of them playing and
cuddling up together which make me smile now, even though they're no
longer physically with me.
I'd say, go for it!
And welcome again!
Kerry PS On an even happier note, when I retested the 5th (and only
remaining) kitten of the original colony of 6, he tested negative---he's
thrown off the virus. Yes, that can happen too. I didn't really believe
it until I saw it for myself.

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