I also wonder where they get those statistics.  Even if they do a controlled study, it's probably not going to simulate a home environment.  Anyhow - just suggesting that it's hard to get good data on that sort of thing.

I started using alpha interferon (roferon)  based on Tally's info on this mailing list  and her web site (http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9352/stomatitis.html) - what I learned was that for FELV kitties, it's suggested to use daily interferon, rather than 7 on and 7 off.  The theory being that these kitties may not produce enough interferon naturally  to produce it the 7 days that they're "off". So it's a supplement.  

Now I don't have a clue, it may work both ways, but that's what I learned to do.

Anyhow, my original 3 FELV cats died.  Two of my present kitties are approaching their 3rd birthday, and doing great.  I have 3 others that are 8-9 yrs, that I received from another lady, and they're doing great also - with two of them, I can't administer it to in a syringe, so put it on their food - I know, I know, you're not supposed to do that, but it's the only way I can get it in them without a major chasing and scratching ordeal every day, so maybe some gets absorbed in the mouth and throat before heading down to the stomach.


On Aug 2, 2006, at 7:16 PM, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

As you mentioned already, it’s hard to tell… I know there are many kitties who live for several years and sometimes over 10 years… statistically, I read that 80% of kitties who are tested positive on felk die within 3 years,, again, I don’t know statistic significance of the information either… it’s sort of like, it’s hard to tell,, a regular life span of cats who are tested negative on felk, either.. they could get CRF, get cancer,,, all other diseases that are not viral related could impact their life span..

I have two felk kitties and I am grateful that they are so healthy…one has just became two years old.. and the other one, I am not exactly sure how old.. but at least two probably…

I think the best thing, is just take one day at a time, and love them as much as you can every day…


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sheila Coyle
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:17 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Roferon ?



I have two kitties on “Roferon”…seven days on 1 ml. each day, seven days off.  (Thank heavens, both Joey, age one year, and Lucky, age two years, are doing very very well…)


A few questions here…


What might any one know about this particular medication? 


On average, what age of life can be expected, or have you experienced with a kitty who is FeLv positive?  I know that is a lot of “what if’s”, and varies vastly from kitty to kitty, and symptoms, and care, etc., etc., or is it possible to have a kitty live a regular life span, and never actually die from FeLv, and just old age, or some thing even totally un related to FeLv?  I know there are so so many variables and things to take in account. 


Thank you.






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