Title: Message
Thanks Nina!
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:33 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Slinky Update: Good News (boosting the immune system)

Of course you can boost the immune system!  What he means is there is nothing that he believes will boost the immune system.  Which is still a ludicrous statement.  What about the use of immune boosters for human cancer patients?   What about Vita supplements??  What's that?  A multi million dollar hoax, built on the placebo effect??  Anytime I've asked a specialist, esp a surgeon about supplements and immune boosters, their eyes kind of glaze over.  That's one of the problems with the medical world vs. the "real" world.  They are very reluctant to give credence to anything that has not been clinically proven.  They aren't that interested, usually, in anequdotal success stories.  They want hard, validated proof that something works before they feel comfortable recommending it to others, (and very few are willing to fund costly studies unless there's the hope of a pot of gold sitting at the end of it).  The best I can get out of most of them is "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt".  How many times do we have to prove the "experts" wrong before we stop listening to them nay say?

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:
Great news about Slinky!
Re: >>He said that there's really nothing you can do to boost his immune system,<<<
I guess if he's right what we're doing is trying to make sure it's not further depressed?
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