i knew almost nothing about FeLV when i went to live/work at an FIV/FeLV sanctuary, other than it was a horrible thing..... the very first day i was there, i had to medicate some of the 30 young 'uns (between 2 and 9 months of age)--sitting in that room, with all of those sweethearts crawling all over me and purring their little heads off, all i could think of was, "how can ANYONE say that you don't have a right to be on this earth?"

I know exactly what you mean. At first I was really upset with the shelter for the mistakes they made with these guys. I kind of felt like they let me adopt these girls and fall madly in love with them only to find out they were + and not going to survive long (or so I was told). This group has helped me see the error of my thinking and has given me hope too. Now my girls are 8 months old and doing great. I can't believe I'm saying this, but knowing what I know now, I would have still adopted them even if I had known they were positive. I can't imagine life anymore without these two little imps!
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Leslie < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here's little pick-me-up for you all, the other + kitten, Trixie's littermate, Powder, at the Humane Society.  Such doll she is with her little bobtail: http://www.oregonhumane.org/cats/detail.asp?animalID=45143
And then on to business. 
All I can say is wow.  For the first time in so long, I feel real hope, not just manufactured-talk-yourself-into-it-because-being-depressed-for-too-long-sucks hope.  And what gives me the most confidence in what you all are saying is that it makes sense.  It's simple, it's natural, it's much less dramatic than we overreactive species like to make things.
And it's also what my mom has been saying, but her overreactive daughter (me) in true daughter fashion has been sighing and saying in my head, Oh Mom, you don't know.  :)  You can never give them a big enough Mother's Day Gift, can you?
What I like most about what you (Chris and Belinda) say, is that there are exceptions.  Many exceptions.  You're not saying that the rule is wrong, but that maybe it's not as set in stone as we are told.  I believed fully that a + cat had no place on the euthanasia list, but I was beginning to doubt that I could enter into loving these guys with any hope that they would make it.  After all, I love them, groom them, keep them in a safe, low-stress, but high-fun environment, feed high quality food (Evo dry and a raw mix), and supplement when recommended by my vet, but I've lost two before owning them two years.  I'd heard rumors that + cats can live full lives, but to see so many of you with cats that have lived outside of expectation, it just gives me hope.  Don't worry, I know that the rules are still there, but it helps.
So, thank you, and I'm more eager than ever to talk to my vet next week.


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