Hi Laura,

I apologize for not posting to you sooner; I am having
a hard time keeping up with posts right now.  Welcome
to our group.  It's a great group and I know you will
find support here.  I'm sorry to hear Newbie tested
positive, but as others have said, it's not a death
sentence.  I'm sorry to hear about your previous
kitty; I know that had to be hard.  Belinda's Bailey
was our "poster child" as he was one of the oldest
we've seen with FeLV.  There is hope and we're
learning new things all the time.

I feed my furbabies Innova Evo dry and wet, and from
the research I've done, it's one of the best.  I was
using Hill's also up until the beginning of this year
because I didn't know any better.  Cats can't process
grains (they are just fillers), which is the main
ingredient for most cat foods.  It took a while for my
kitties to take to it though.  It has to be mixed in
slowly if they aren't used to it, although some might
take to it right away.  As far as supplements go,
Vitamin C (a lot of people use Mega C) and Lysine are
what some people use.  Some people also keep their
kitties on Interferon, but I don't know much about it.


P.S.  I would find a new vet if you can.  One that
supports FeLV positives and also will be open to
trying new treatments that aren't mainstream.  This
will come in handy if your Newbie doesn't throw off
the virus, which he may.  It happens in about 30% of
the cases with kittens (and even sometimes with older
cats-we had one or two here), if I'm quoting my
numbers right.  Also, are you on the yahoo hyper-T
group?  I think I've seen psychotheboss email addy
before, and I think that's where I saw it.  :)

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