You have gone through a lot to help this cat.  I know I'm probably in the minority on this one, but my opinion would be to help this cat cross to the bridge.  It doesn't sound like it is having a good quality of life.
I had a negative feral that never let me touch her for over 10 years.  But she did interact with my other cats and was not afraid or anything so I just let her be.  When she got sick I didn't try to treat her because it was simply impossible, so we let her go.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.

sorry, I just need to vent about the frustration I am going through right
now with the feral feluk living in my house...I know I don't have as big as
problems as everyone else, but I know some of you can sympathize with the story is after our beloved papoose died of feluk, I was
approached at work by the head of the HR department at my shelter and she
asked me if I could take in a feluk she trapped and spayed and was going to
release until they found out she was feluk. I said yes, because our feluk
Hillman Waller was lonely after papoose passed on and well I was lonely too
with only one cat and the three dogs in the house and I wanted to help other
feluks. My husband was not too happy at all, didnt really like the idea
another cat, he didnt even want papoose (but fell head over heels in love
with him). So i took home this very feral black female about 5 years old
feluk postive. We have had her for about 3 months and I have not gotten to
touch her once, I am okay with that, but it hurts not to be able to pet her
and show her I like her. She first lived in a play cage but was more
freaked out about being in it and attacked me anytime I went to change the
litter or feed her, I let her loose in the house. She had hiding spaces and
that was fine, I checked up on her and made sure she ate, but now she has
gotten into the wall of the duplex we live in. The basement was refinished
into a living space that we have and they put up new walls but there is a
space between the new walls and the old and she got into the there by an
opening that popped open without my knowlegde and now we cant get her out!
I am so frustrated and upset that she is in the wall and that she isnt going
to come out for me. most likely we will have to trap her but i just think
she so unhappy it seams and I feel bad for her. she is so freaked out by
our dogs and our other cat tries to get close to her but she doesnt really
like him. he's lonely and she must be lonely, and i fell awful about her
and now she is the wall and i wrote a really long story. i know i shouldnt
complain i know people out here on the list have it a lot worst then me, I
am just upset and worried because who knows what is in those walls and god
forbid she eats something back there she shouldnt and chews on something
back there she shouldn't and well rats, i hope i dont have rats, i live in a
city...sorry for venting and thank you for listening...everyone is so good
to each other on this list, it's nice to have

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