Hi everyone, I didn't know kitty barf would be such a hot topic!  I really think Dash just stuffs himself silly, no hairballs yet, just a huge pile of half-digested cat food.  I'll switch him back to his old food and see how he does.  I had a long-haired kitty many years ago, I still remember that awful feeling of slimy hairballs underfoot.  This gang is short-haired, so I'm hoping they'll be better about that.  Although if they aren't, it isn't so bad, as we got rid of our carpet and put in all laminate flooring throughout the house.  Much easier to deal with...
    I have to switch out of digest-mode or whatever, as it seems to sometimes just give me the headers and skips the message for some reason.  I couldn't read the declaw poem until someone else attached it to the bottom of their reply...
    Phaewryn, I loved your poem!  That is how I feel about declaws too!  Many (most) of my friends and family have declawed their cats.  I can almost understand the decision if there are toddlers in a house, as I was scratched in the eye by my first cat when I was 2 (shouldn't have had one that young anyway).  But just to save some kindling wrapped in fabric?  No way, not for me.  But I have never criticized anyone I know who went ahead and did it, as I felt it was their business, and at least the cats had homes.  So why in the heck are they all so beligerent and in my face when I tell them I'm not doing that to my cats?  Right away I get the "what about the sofa" argument, followed quickly by the "it doesn't hurt them, they jump on their toes the same day" rationalization.  I don't care, I just don't believe in it for me.  I've even had a lady with our local kitty rescue act horrified when I told her I was looking for a fully-clawed companion for my cat (this was prior to catching this litter, not looking anymore!)  I absolutely don't care about the sofa.  We had a rescue Doberman for 9 years that ATE couches everytime there was a thunderstorm.  We just kept taking second-hand couches from people we knew, tossed a  shredded one out on the curb 2-3 times a year (our garbage men had to hate us).  I don't miss one of those couches, but I would give anything to have that dog alive and with me again...   

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