Hey Elizabeth,

They say that wisdom comes with age, and ten years
ago, I would not have agreed with you.  But having a
little more experience now, I totally agree with you
regarding confronting your neighbors.  However, I did
confront my other neighbor about their dog who chased
Cricket up a brick column, which ripped out all of his
back nails and caused him to get a HORRIBLE infection
that almost killed him with the vet's help.  I did
knock on my neighbor's door, started crying, told her
about the $200 vet bill and how Cricket had almost
died, and that I lost 2 personal days at work, and
asked if she could do a better job of keeping her dog
in.  (It had been a problem in the past).  Haven't
seen him out since (except for her a-hole ex-husband,
who lets him out to poop on my lawn just to make
trouble when he's there to see the kids).  He's a real
jerk, and imagine this, a deacon at my church!  No
wonder some people think Christians are hypocrites! 
lol.  Anyway, you are smart to sit back and wait. 
Your intuition is invaluable.  I do agree that it was
bad taste to not check on Mama Kitty.  Some people
just don't have basic social skills, imo.  I think the
litter idea is great.  Do whatever works.  You can
eventually start mixing litter a little at a time to
get her to use whatever you really want her to use. 
Love the pic of her!!!  I LOVE her markings!!!  So
glad to hear she's doing fine after her battle with
the dog!


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