I've been wanting to switch from the clumping but I couldn't decide which to use.  I'm going to give the Sweatscoop a try and I'll let you all know what my kitties think.  I'm going to go ahead and mix it in to start.


wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We had a discussion here recently on litter. Someone
had info. that clumping clay can actually collect in
the stomach and clump, just as it clumps in the box
with moisture, which of course can cause problems.
(This can happen via grooming). So I JUST switched a
couple of weeks ago to Sweatscoop, a wheat clumping
litter. It's all natural. It is not as good as
FreshStep as far as clumping goes, but it does clump
some. Doesn't have the dust of the clumping litter
and naturally eliminates the ammonia odor. As long
as you scoop the box daily, it is a good litter, imo.
A few people complained about weevils, or some type of
insect getting into the litter, but I wasn't sure if
they meant in the bag or in the litter box. I haven't
seen any creatures just yet. The kitties are using it
just fine; I didn't even gradually switch the litters.
I just put the new litter in the empty box, and they
have been using it just fine. I paid $20 for a 40 lb.
bag (they didn't carry anything smaller at Petsmart)
that I've used about 2/3 of in two boxes for a couple
of weeks. So financially, it's about the same, give
or take, as the FreshStep. I don't think I'll ever
use anything that doesn't clump ever again.


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