Title: Message
Sounds like you have made excellent arrangements, Marissa---Slinky will be fine!
Wishing you a carefree and successful trip. Would that everyone in this world cared as much about their pets. Kerry
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa Johnson
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:11 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Positive Thoughts for Slinky (and his Mom)

Hi all.  I can't believe I'm even sending this considering that Slinky is asymptomatic and seems to be fine...and as compared to the struggles you all have, this is such a tiny matter!  But...I could use your positive thoughts anyway.
I'm going out of town tomorrow for about 4 days (leaving tomorrow morning, returning monday night)...and I am SOOOO nervous about leaving Slinky!  This will be the first time I've ever left him overnight!! 
One of my coworkers is going to come in every day and feed him, play with him, and clean out his litter box.  I've gone through everything with her and she loves animals.  I'm leaving his dry food and water in automatic feeders (also the first time for using those) and she will give him canned food when she comes.  I'm sure everything will be fine, but...I'm kind of freaking out!
I'm worried that he'll get into something, get sick, or that he'll just hate me for leaving him!  Last weekend, my boyfriend and his sister were here.  He and I went to a movie and his sister told me Slinky sat near the door and cried for about 15 minutes until she went and told him she was still there.  And yesterday when I left for work, I could hear him meowing behind the door after I left!  :(
Really, I KNOW this isn't a big deal and I know there are so many other problems I could be dealing with.  But I would still appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers...for Slinky AND for me!!  I'll be at a conference where I'm speaking several times and kind of need to be "on" so I don't want to be too worried.  And I just hope he'll still love me after I get back!
I'm sure I sound mellow-dramatic, but since he's my first pet as an adult, and this is the first time I've left him, I'm just...worried.  Thanks for all your support and for understanding!!!
I hope you and all you kitties are doing well!!

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