Thanks Nina, I'll try the warm wash cloth.  His coat needs it!

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When my Grace's eye's were unevenly dilated I panicked.  Many people told me, (including a trusted vet), that it is something that occurs in felv kitties and doesn't seem to cause any problems.  Knocking himself silly is another story though.  I'd be very interested to hear what else you come up with for the head shaking thing, (Spence is still shaking his head occasionally).

As far as not grooming himself...  You could wring a warm wash cloth and see if he lets you groom him.  Start around his neck and ears, (make sure the cloth is well wrung).  Think Mom cat and see if he doesn't start grooming himself more with this encouragement.

Roxane Baldwin wrote:
I'll check that this afternoon when I get home.  I was afraid the way he runs around, he hit his head and knocked himself silly. 
This is the first cat I've ever cared for that doesn't clean himself at all.  I've even put water on him trying to get him to clean and he just lets himself air dry.

Has he been checked for earmites, and had his ears cleaned recently? Could be that simple.


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