Hey Nina,

How is Bruce's hand?  I hope he is better.  I wanted
to give you some scary info.  I know you are already
stressed right now with Spencer, but I am feeling the
need to fill you and everyone else in on something my
mom is going through right now.  I'd rather tell you
than wait in case it applies to Bruce.  

My mom got a bad staph infection in her hand after
puncturing it with a cactus spine (right word?) which
is where the bacteria entered.  The bacteria probably
did not come from the cactus, but we don't know for
sure.  It got REALLY bad, and ate away a huge chunk of
skin between her thumb and index finger before they
were able to stop it with a change in antibiotics. 
Several layers are gone; about a half inch worth.  Her
doc said that this staph is everywhere in the
environment; I think it's called msma staph, but I
could be wrong.  It's a very resistant strain and
responds to a specific abx.  I also know a woman who
died from it two years ago in Houston.  I worked with
her.  She had two young children.  I am not trying to
scare you; just wanted to tell you that what we all
think could be harmless can actually be really scary! 
And also, so that in case you guys were waiting to see
the doc, to go ahead and go.  My mom had to visit a
plastic surgeon, but he thinks the wound will fill in
quite nicely now that she's healing.  I hope Bruce is
doing better.  And I hope I haven't upset you with the
info.  Please keep me posted.  


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