Had you ever had Crackers tested previously?  Was he vaccinated?  I think it's highly unlikely Crackers got leukemia from Pokemon.  Was Pokeman ever tested? 
I don't think you should blame yourself for bringing Pokemon in, and I doubt that is how Crackers got felv.
If Crackers does have felv he sounds very healthy and could live a very long life.  You'll get lots of good advice from this list. 

 About last Oct. we found Pokemon at our local park. She had a pink collor on and was so tame and lovable. But she was skinny. I thought I was doing an excellent thing bringing her home and my son 4 and niece 9 wouldn't have it any other way. She seemed to gain weight when she got here. She was small so i thought she was still a kitten about 4-5 months. Well a few weeks ago Pokemon started "coughing" she got into the basement and had insulation on her nose. So when the coughing was still going on but not as bad I thought she must have sniffed some insulation. Last Monday her breathing semed like a deep hard breathing and she was always so skinny i didn't notice a weight lost. I went down into the basment i live in a triplex...i found rat poisoning in a corner on a shelf. I rushed her to my local animal hospital and they told me that she needed emergency care...so we drove to unniversity of penn animal emergency hospital. They took her right in. I was thinking oh no rat poisoning..we dont even have mice here. Well finally after getting half assed answers and them saying it could be this or that...she told me that Pokemon had an abundancy of fluided in her lungs and finally was told that she had lyphomia and that they estimated Pokemon to be between 5-7 yrs old based on teeth and kidney size. To do the full tests and amit her to the ICU unit would be between $6000-$8000 estimate and we needed to put $1300 down. And they were so kind to let us have 5 mins to decide. Also the dr. said that this lyphomia could have been from Feline Aids or Feline Luekemia and that Cracks may have been affected. Now my mind was shot. I decided to euthanize her when they said she was so sick that they also believed she had this for awhile and was little hope. Ok on to Crackers. On the way home from putting Pokemon to sleep I immediately called my vet to get Crackers tested for FIV AND The luekemia. That was Tuesday and today is Saturday. Last nite Friday cracker had his appointment the dr said looks like he will be negative for both but we still have about 2 mins. Well he said oh we do have a positive. As my heart dropped he got his book and said feline luekemia. The dot that registared was a little very lite blue dot. I told him to send out the other ultra violet test. They should be back Sun morning and with the holiday if not sun then Mon. He said Crackers looked very Healthy and strong. I asked him over and over being in shock if there were false positives and he said that the test didn't have any. Here is a little of Crackers history: he is my big baby 18.6 lbs..he has NEVER been sick ever...no colds nothing and he only had diareahha 1 day when he was a yr old. He is very loving and happy..has never been outside except when he would run out and i was right after him. That he grew out of. He has a hearty appetite. I leave out food and fresh water 24-7 for him. He lives a very stress free life and is a LOVER boy he loves to purr and be rubbed. I am willing to do anything in the world for him and i will. I am open to all and all suggestions. And all I can remember is that the 1st month pokemon came they would fight and he did have a bite mark that bleed..he is all white. So i know he suffered a deep wound puncture for her. What kills me is how dense I was. I based Pokemon like a book by its cover. She was beautiful and so sweet I NEVER realized i should of had her tested and never brought her near my baby. I will never be able to forgive myself for Cracker being a positive Feline Leukemia. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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