Welcome! You will find a lot of very knowledgable people here. My two little girls are 10 months old and, according to conventional wisdom, shouldn't be here. My vet was surprised when I didn't want to euthanize them when they were diagnosed - one in May and the other in July, she had never had anyone who wanted to keep them. She is now very supportive and actually used my circumstances to talk another cat's owner into not euthanizing. My impression is that people think cats with FELV are suffering when that's not the case (unless, of course, they've picked up a virus or a disease that is causing them to suffer). I feed my girls a healthy diet, try to keep their lives pretty stress free and just let them be kittens. So far it's working.
If I had the time I would go back and find out who in this group posted this first (I feel like quite the plagarist), but someone out there said that cats don't live for the future because they don't know what the future is. They don't know they are sick unless you fret and cry over them (which I certainly did at first!). They live for the moment and in the moment and whatever you can do to make that moment great is what matters most. Good luck to you and Crackers! I hope you live long healthy lives together!

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