
I didn't get a chance to check my email at all
yesterday, or I would have been very happy to see that
Spencer had come home!  Yea!  I know you did not get
good news from the vet, but what a blessing that the
internist is going to work with you to make Spencer as
comfortable as he can be.  The one good and bad thing
about FeLV is that it can never be predicted, so even
though they have told you he only has a matter of
weeks or months, no one really knows.  He could
respond really well to the dex and to the Elspar if
you are able to get it, and be around another year or
so.  We just never know.  That's why it's so important
not to lose hope with this disease.  Again, so happy
that Spencer came home for you.  That he loves you
dearly is unquestionable.


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