That Lucy is such a little dickens when it comes to getting into stuff she shouldn't. I'm remembering the olive oil incident, (what's with the oil craving?). If she's anything like Gypsy, bread crumbs would be enough to cause trouble. I haven't had Gypsy on steroids for such a long time that I can say without a doubt that it's not a dosage factor, it's from her eating ANYTHING other than her mush. I mean, for goodness sake, she can't even eat plain turkey without problems. Have you ever brought Lucy in to see this specialist that's so far away? Would they discuss her case with you over the phone since she's feeling better now? Perhaps they might be willing to talk to you, about the ramifications of switching her to prednisolone and the dosage amounts, (you know, hypothetically). I take it you never found anyone to prescribe Budesonide? We all need a vet in the family.


Thanks, Nina. I can't believe you are responding at all, to be honest, with all you are going through. Lucy's bowels are firm and she just started having a normal-ish appetite again, but only after I put her up to 12.5 mg/day of pred. I think I really need to try to leave her on this for at least a week and to taper much more slowly. When I first tried to taper her, she went from 12.5 down to 3.75 over the course of a month and a half, but relapsed when I went down to 2.5. After that, I could not seem to get her below 10 mg. She is very perky, though. I called and made an appointment, again, for the place far away to see the specialist. But now that she seems to be stabilizing (fingers crossed) and someone offered to send me prednisolone, I think I might cancel it again if she is still ok by Friday and see if a slower taper, and switching to prednisolone, helps. What do you think? I did see her eat some bread crumbs on the patio last week, and yesterday morning found that I had left the lid of an empty margerine container on the counter-- it was greasy but had no visible margerine on it when I found it, but if there had been any I am sure she probably licked it. So it is really hard to say if her relapses happen just from needing more pred and generally having worse IBD, or from her eating things that I am not aware of at the time. Thanks again for asking,

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