tad, I am so sorry about Leo. Orange cats seem to usually be amazing. My Simon surely was. And he did not mind going to the vet for treatments either, and in fact did not mind being in the hospital that much. He only started to mind when some idiot couldn't get a catheter in and stuck him multiple times on each leg while holding him down (I learned later). Then he stopped letting anyone try to give him anything IV. But before that, it was all one big adventure to him. I sure miss him.
Your vet is not alone in acting that way, especially about steroids. Most vets do not seem to understand steroids very well, or how well cats tolerate and respond to them. Simon's oncologist-- an oncologist-- at first told me that he was not comfortable giving the amount of steroid shots I requested for Simon, even though he did not have any other suggestions when the chemo stopped working at first. But he did some research and came back to me and said he was wrong, that cats seem able to handle far more steroids than I was suggesting, and went ahead with the protocol I requested. So you need someone like your main vet who is at least willing to do some real research, not just ask a few other vets.
- Re: Spencer's treatment (Interferon and Acemannan) - and El... Lernermichelle