Have you looked into Immuno-Regulin yet?  One of our list members used it subq, (under the skin injections) instead of the recommended IV (intravenous).  I haven't tried it myself, but it might be in order for Cracker's URI.  What has your vet prescribed?  Did they put him on any medications?  One thing about our felv babies is that you have to hit any sign of illness hard and fast.  I'm glad you are feeling more relaxed and confident, but don't take a wait and see approach with this.  It already sounds like it's getting worse, not better.  Keep us up to date on how that darling Crackers of yours is doing.  Prayers that he's better very soon,

Thanks Kelly I am feeling better.. Crackers is sick for the first time in his life...a cold im thinking...i have a vet appointment tomorrow. I look at crackers as my first living on my own pet and my baby...I got him 5 yrs ago he has been with me my entire "adult" life. Since he was 9 weeks old:) He is walking around sneezing on everything..My 4 yr old thinks it is the "cutest". Crackers is handling his first "sick" time great..I been baby talking him saying Oh my dad whats the matter...He sneezes and then licks it up. Other than that he has been fine. LOVING his new food. Eats like a horse and playing like a kitten. Kelly Good Luck with the IFA on Max. I am sure Max will be ok. Thanks for your support. Crackers sends u and max lots of kisses:)
You sound so much better and I am so glad to hear it, I'll bet you can look at Crackers now and see your wonderful companion rather than an terminally ill animal,  I am still awaiting the IFA results on Max but we are enjoying the heck out ofr him and hes is just a bundle of juvenile cat curiosity, I am starting the Immuno Regulin if the IFA is pos. I have it already.
One day at a time,,,but enjoy the days right now.

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