I agree with Anema and heart mummer showing together...
But isn't anemia also a result of poor blood condition ???

Carbonel wrote:
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tad Burnett
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Diane - heart murmurs and pilling

Yes... Heart murmurs seem to go along with something being off in a blood
work up count...
I have seen it along with kidney failure...

Hi Tad,

Anemia is common cause of murmurs in cats with FeLV and CRF.  Anemia
decreases blood viscosity. As packed cell volume (PCV)decreases, blood
becomes more like water, making it easier for turbulence to develop. Stroke
volume also increases in anemic cats to compensate for the loss of
oxygen-carrying units (red blood cells). The combination of the decreased
viscosity and the increased stroke volume (increased velocity) can easily
produce a heart murmur. These types of murmurs usually dissapear when the
anemia is corrected.

Most important murmurs are at least grade III, I & IIs are often found in
normal cats.  Its almost impossible to tell the difference between an
innocent and a functional murmur without additional testing.



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