I'm so very sorry.  We do rescue and had a litter (one that I bottle fed from 2 weeks of age... so I was very attached to them) one little girl Gabby died of dry FIP and her brother Albert died of wet.  I know all too well what you are going through... My husband and I went to every vet imaginable trying to "cure" them... but as you know, all you can do is make them comfortable.  I pray someday there is a cure.  Hopefully you know of the Orion Foundation and of Dr. Addie's research... Orion is a wonderful group to donate to.  We have a memorial for Gabby and Albert there... This might be a good way for you to memorialize the two you've lost and pray for Dharma that she does not have it.  If you want more information or a link to their website, let me know.


Leslie =^..^=

On 9/14/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone, I need to ask you to pray for my beautiful calico girl, Dharma – Dharma is Naomi's sister who passed away a couple of months ago a couple of months ago from dry form of FIP.  She was only 4 months old.. Dharma acted like a big sister of Naomi and taking care of her when Naomi was not feeling well.. since Then, I lost my beloved boy, Peter who was about 1.5 year old to dry FIP, a week after Naomi crossed the bridge.


I have during the past few weeks noticed that Dharma has been less active (but she still acts and eats just fine).. and has some fever on and off with URIs.. and also noticed that her eye pupil size were different.. that's very similar to what happened to my Naomi and I took her to the vet.. her TP was very high as 9 and her PCV was low 23.. again that's what happened to Naomi and Peter.. and she had a fever of 103.5 –


Looking at this, there is a good chance that Dharma has what Peter and Naomi had.. FIP which is fetal viral disease which will kill cats very quickly.. Dharma is not showing any serious symptoms and I am going t to start her on interferon tomorrow (thanks, Nina for sending it to me again) once we get her total body function blood work.


After the vet's visit today, I got sick to my stomach thinking how I am going to deal with it..but I know I need to… and I cried for about 30 mins.. and I am sure that I will cry again sometime..but right now..I need to fight with Dharma whatever she is fighting against (which Naomi may not be aware of.. as she does not act very sick at all.. just subtleness like Naomi did).. please pray that Dharma will recover whatever she has and she will live with us happily ever after for a long time…


Thank you!

Leslie     =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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