Hey Michelle,
Yes Spencer is anemic.  Yes, he had fluid build up in his chest.  Yes, they suspect two masses, one of them in or near his GI tract.  Yes, they are concerned about problems with his heart.  All my what ifs and guesses about what tests might be run are just that: guesses.  The vet won't tell me what she proposes until I go in there.  I intend to cancel my appointment with her and let her know how disappointed I am that she thinks it best to not discuss any of this over the phone.  Her unwillingness to do so has sent my imagination spiraling to worst case scenarios and put me through torture trying to make up my mind with very limited information.  Maybe all that frustration was necessary to bring me to the conclusions that I'm finally arriving at, (see my last post).  I've always relied on medical intervention, but depended more on my instincts and intuition.  Right now I'm feeling peaceful with the decision to allow Spencer to comfortably live the time he has left with as little intervention as possible, (however much time that turns out to be).

   Leukemia the cancer would not interfere with lung function.  If the issue was in the bone marrow or implicated the blood somehow, I would agree (Simon had a bone marrow biopsy).  If it's not, I don't.
   Lucy got an ultrasound from a local vet without shaving, but I have been told the picture is much clearer with shaving. 
   Bone marrow biopsies and endoscopes are really not big deals. Simon was under anesthesia for his bone marrow biopsy for a short time, and it just looked like a tiny scab afterwards and did not bother him. I myself have had two endoscapies. They are not big deals, except that you are knocked out for them, but they tend to use light anesthesia.  That said, I have been avoiding taking Lucy for one.
   But, maybe I have missed something, but aren't his problems in his chest? Is he anemic? If not, why the bone marrow biopsy? And is he having digestive tract issues? If not, why the endoscopy?

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