I hope Ziggy's feeling better by now. Have you got him on doxycycline just in case of hemobart?

Laura Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Poor Ziggy! About 6 months ago I told all of you that Ziggy's second feline
leukemia test came back negative and he was ok and cured. Well I was wrong.
He was losing weight and just not acting like himself (he was hiding and
not playing with the other kitties). So i took him to the vet last night
for an emergency appointment. They restested him and he was positive. On
top of that he has an ear infection and his blood work came back really low.
His red cell count was horrible. So they kept him over night and ran
tests. They put an IV in and gave him a blood tansfusion. Today they are
going to do a bone marrow aspiration to see if his bone marrow is producing
and blood cells. So the vet said that the long term prognosis is poor at
best but i'm hoping he can make it through this to come home for a bit. So I
should be writing back soon to keep you updated on Ziggy's condition. Thank

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