Cindy, I totally understand.  I am so sensitive to eating habits, because to me it's the first sign of bigger things.  My Satch has not approached his food with the gusto that he did before he got this cold.  He's fine - he eats, but it's over a longer period and he'll leave a bite in the bowl, where before, no way.  He'd stop and eat bits of dirt, buttons, spots on the carpet on the way to his bowl for breakfast and dinner, inhale it, lick it clean to make sure, inspect the area around the bowl, and try to eat everything nailed down and not on his way back to me to tell me that he could handle a helping of seconds.  This cat would have been rounder than he is long if given his druthers.  So now, even though he's eating okay - it's not his normal and I don't like it.  I'm hoping that with the identification and treatment of the cough source that my ravenous beast will be plaguing me again.
Anyway, Wysong is good, Solid Gold, Felidae, Innova Evo (which just came out with the wet food a few months ago), Max Cat, Merrill - these are all good foods and I'm sure that there are more.  Fancy Feast actually isn't a bad one either.  Satch loves his Innova kibble first, used to love my raw food (now leaves some uneaten) second, and then last is canned food.  He always has gone in strong, but loses taste for it.  So your Smokey could be the same.  Only using it as a back up and then variety is my tactic.  Raw or cooked chicken (depending on your comfort level) is usually a favorite with most cats (I usually cut off a bit of whatever meat I'm making for myself if there aren't spices involved to give to Satch).
Good luck, they can be so picky. 
From: cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Smokey

Hello to everybody I haven't been able to follow all
of the post because work has been very busy.  I hope
everyone's babies are doing fine.  I had a question
about Smokey.  The last few days I have noticed he
hasn't been eating very good.  He nibbles but that is
about it.  I had been feeding him EVO and can food.  I
have tried different foods.  I gave him some Purina
Cat Chow and he seemed to eat a bit more of that than
anything.  I am not sure how good that food is for
him. Tuesday night my husband took him to the vet to
get an injection of Winstrol to see if that might
help.  He wasn't running a fever and he hadn't lost
any weight. Last night I gave him some chicken we had
for supper and he ate all of that.  What kind of food
do any of you use?  He had a cbc done about 2 weeks
ago and the vet said it looked really good.  I hope I
am not being paranoid about all of this. Any advice
would be great.

Cindy Reasoner

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