Thank you, Kelly...hearing stories like this is making me feel so much better :)  Do you know if there is a list for hepatitis?  I joined the Hepatic Lipidosis list & the Assisted Feeding list & am getting some great info.  Thanks again.  I will keep you posted & will keep your kitty in my prayers, as well.
Yvonne & Peanut
In a message dated 9/28/2006 2:19:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am so sorry and hope Peanuts is doing better. I have been dealing with cholangiohepatitis for almost a year now on a non FELV cat, He needed surgery and the ultra sound showed a lousy gallbladder and stones , He had surgery and is on a lot of meds but is doing so very well, His labs are normal again and the vomiting is rare, His weight is up and he is no in pain,
Please keep us informed and all my best wishes for Peanuts,

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