Yvonne, Please do ask about SamE... but you will probably have to tell your vet Zentonil (he will recognize that name).  If he doesn't recommend it... I will give you a website you can order 100mg SamE... I swear by that stuff.  If you have any questions or when you get Peanut home please feel free to email me... I will give you my number too if you want to call.  I really think the key is feeding A LOT of small meals... and SamE... good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband and Peanut....
Leslie =^..^=

I can't tell you how heartened I am to hear your story about Goliath.  Even Peanut's ears were yellow when I dropped her off...I was pretty scared, but I'm starting to calm down now.  Her bilirubin was 10.8 & I guess normal is .1 to .4.  Her white cell count was a whopping 44,000 & normal is 16,000.  I will definitely ask about the SamE.
I think we got a good omen as we were leaving the vet.  My hubby had met me there after he got off of work & as we were turning on to the road from the vet, I saw him gesturing at the SUV in front of us.  I look where he's pointing & this SUV's licence plate says ME A PNUT.  Now, what are the odds of coming out of the vet clinic & seeing your cat's name on someone's license plate?  Maybe it seems weird, but I'm considering it a good sign!
Thank you so much for giving me hope!
In a message dated 9/27/2006 2:14:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
We also turned Goliath around from liver failure... the vet said he was sending him home to die that there was nothing he could do.  He said he was one of the worst cases he had seen (Goliath was almost completely yellow). 

Leslie     =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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