Belinda & Everyone,
Could you also add my Sammy to the special needs list?  She is a 17 year old Siamese mix that looks kind of like a Ragdoll.  She didn't come out this morning when I was feeding the cats their canned food & we couldn't even find her.  When we got home tonite, I found her hiding under my desk behind the backup power supply for the computer.  She has a yellow discharge coming from her nose & eyes.  I suspect it may be a URI, possibly related to or complicated by her ongoing dental issues.  I gave her some antibiotic eye & nose drops & tried to get her to eat some turkey, but she wouldn't eat any.  I'm going to start syringe feeding her if she hasn't started eating by morning & get her to the vet on Monday.  Having just lost Peanut, I am feeling really jumpy about this.  Please keep Sammy in your prayers.  Thanks.

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