Hi Guys,
It's only been a couple of weeks, but it's the longest I've gone without checking in with you guys in about 3 years. I've missed you. My thoughts and prayers are always with everyone and their fur children, I'm sorry I haven't been around to send individual encouragement and support.

Things have been difficult and emotional around here as usual with never enough time or energy to keep up with all that needs to be done. Spencer continues to decline, but still seems to be enjoying his life for the most part. I'm still giving him daily dex shots, (.4 ccs) and occasionally nose drops for nasal congestion. He's eating less and less and has such a difficult time with assist feeding that I've decided to not force him. It never gets easier watching and waiting and hoping for miracles. He doesn't seem to be in pain, but he's obviously in discomfort and very, very tired. My sweet young athlete is winding down. When I look in his eyes I'm met with love and gratitude. He continues to tell me he's not yet ready, but his body is withering away before my eyes. The other day he had found a soft, quiet place on the closet floor to escape our hectic household. I laid down with my head near his body and when he stirred and saw me, he reached his paw out and gently touched my face. We rested like that for quite a while. Every time he awoke, he'd open his eyes and flex the pads of his paws gently on my cheek as if to say, Mommy, I love you, thank you for being here. Moments like these make everything we go through so worth while. A few days ago, he had a burst of lightning bolt energy and chased Instigator, (my big orange boy that Spence had decided should be relegated to the back rooms of the house). Poor Inst! He was just getting used to sharing the house with us again. I think Spencer's days of making Instigator scatter are over, but Inst isn't quite convinced yet.

You might remember our "foster" Chow/Husky pup twins that joined us last year... Their ad has still been running on Petfinder and we got a call from a prospective adopter a few hours away that seems like a good match. The right side of my brain is telling me that it's wise to pursue it, that finding them a home with more time to devote to them and lessening our load is the only course that makes sense. Still, they've integrated into the family and are very much loved and appreciated. Bruce has been walking around with his bottom lip jutting out and making noises about how Zevon, (our aging GSD with degenerative spine disease), will suffer without Koda's enthusiasm to engage him in play. I'm still undecided about what to do and there isn't another group of people that would understand our hesitation the way I know you good folks do. I know our JRT girl Zelda wouldn't be sorry to see Maggie go. They have this stubborn rivalry going, neither one of them is willing to admit they are second female in the hierarchy. Nothing dangerous, just a lot of "Mom, she's touching me!!!"

One of my feral colonies is being displaced after years of enjoying a safe and comfortable environment. We've been working hard to complete additions to our cat habitat and the friendliest of the cats, (and most stubborn about leaving her home), is already here and acclimating well with our family. I've been leaving out smaller portions of food at their regular feeding stations and with the good graces of a neighbor, been moving food dishes closer and closer to my yard in an attempt to help them find the new source of food in my yards. I'm struggling still with the decision of bringing at least one of the three semi tame cats that share the ferals territory to live with us. They "belong" to a nearby neighbor, but I'm the only one that can touch them, or shares a relationship with them. I can't shake the despair of abandoning them when I can no longer feed and cuddle with them every day.

Matilda, the little kitty that came to us pregnant with a terrible case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a couple of months ago still has to be kept separate from anyone with four legs. (You might remember her as the one that sent Bruce to Urgent Care with infected bite wounds that required a week of antibiotic shots after Zevon's presence startled her while being petted). She's got the bedroom and part of the adjoining outdoor habitat during the day and sleeps in a cage by my bed at night. It's slow going with her, but I have high hopes of her learning to trust that no one here means her any harm. I'm buying bulk quantities of flower essences and she is making steady, if not slow, progress.

Our FIV boy, Starman, has been so jealous of the extra attention that Spencer is getting. I worry about stretching my faith in the merits of mixing felv with all the cats in my household, (Spence has been blowing his nose full of felv germs all over the house), but I am esp concerned with Star and his already compromised immune system. Right now he's fat and sassy, say a prayer that he and the others don't suffer because of my decisions.

Gypsy, (our IBD kitty), continues to thrive on her turkey mush diet, (my condolences to the turkey nation). Wouldn't it be wonderful to just open a can? She still insists on being petted while she eats, but she's lively and healthy with only occasional relapses. The other day I caught her fussing with one of the neighborhood ferals for a choice tree limb to stalk birds from and more often than not she can be found chasing some hapless bug around the floor. I caught her with some of that packing styrofoam the other day. Bruce had allowed her to play with some of the cornstarch kind because "She was having such a good time pouncing and tossing it in the air". Please! This girl gets diarrhea from just looking at a bowl of EVO!

Timmy, my handsome little miracle boy from my felv bottle baby litter is covered in mattes and will need to be shaved. He hates to be brushed and his mom hates doing anything that he hates! He turned three yrs recently and I'm afraid I spoil him rotten. He's such a pleasure, mattes and all!

I should have known that trying to update you guys would turn into a novel. I have a lot of reading to catch up with all of you too!

Blessings and love, I'll do my best to stay in touch,

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