Unfortunately it does boil down to who we just pick to rescue.  I'm trying to decide right now whether to take in another positive.  My decision is the life or death decision for this cat.  I just found a dog, and I know I have no business even considering bringing in another cat.  It makes me mad that I am the one that has to make these kinds of decisions almost daily..... well daily, really, because people won't just spay and neuter their animals.
 I don't know where you live, but I know where the best cat vet in Atlanta is.

Ioana-Dina Rican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Isn't this ironic how the destiny of those hopeless animals is chosen by humans?  And how these decisions are taken?  Then why does the "rescue" word exist if "we" just pick and choose who do we save?  I don't know on which part of the planet you are because since I've been here in Atlanta I met only people that abandoned their pets, vets willing to put down pets just because they carry a virus, and I am just stunned by the actions of people towards animals.  I think too that this group is the best, helps me keep my sanity, and gives me a hope that good people are still around.  Good for you you didn't put down the babies.  I would have done the same thing.  I worked with a rescue group too and they made me put down a feral cat that had half of his body flat, probably a car run him over.  They said the cat had no chance of getting better, the vet could not even look at him.  Still I suffered a lot.  After some months they came with the same idea about another cat that I rescued and I refused.  She passed away two months ago after two years of being rescued . 

Wow Nina that is terrible Re:
My mentor in rescue dropped me out of her life cold when she learned that the litter of bottle babies I rescued had felv and I refused to euthanise them upon diagnosis.  My mouth still gapes open when I think about the irony of her being disappointed in me!
Sometimes I think people come into our lives for a reason for a short time then they are just destined to leave it. You are a Great person I am glad you refused to euthanise and bottle fed and listened to your heart. As for anyone thinking anything bad about this group my mouth gapes open! This group saved me from a nervous breakdown. When crackers was diagnosed Felv Pos, I had no clue what it was what to expect. Even at a time when you all where dealing with your sick babies you all help me! I have gained all my knowledge from this group! Starting with Belinda who told me about this and her Bailey. (Her story is my inspiration)  You are all the BEST!! Hope all kitties are good!
kayte and Crackers!

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