My sister's kitty Tessa (at the Bridge now) had asthma.  The only real noticeable symptom was wheezing after exertion (those strings of beads!!!).  But I don't believe that any further treatment was necessary with Tessa - other than pacing her play. 

Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi guys,
(Thanks Nina, I'll take your advice and start up a string on it - yes, Satch's cough is better.)
My boy Satchmo (6yo FeLV+) was diagnosed as having asthma after a lingering cough that followed a non-expressive URI (no running nose/eyes - just coughing, fever) led to a chest x-ray and the discovery of light interstitial black spots on his lungs. 
I'm treating him with a powder that mixes in with his food twice a day.  My vet's hope is that as it seemed to have been triggered, that we can get positive reaction from the medecine and taper down his dosage until he's off the medecine.  He's been on the powder a week and it seems to have helped, though he still occasionally cough/hork/sneezes.
For those of you that also have asthmatic cats, what do you experience?  How did it come on?  How was it diagnosed?  How do you treat?
Thank you!
Subject: Re: Beatrix and Satchmo update

Hi Leslie,
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.  I'm convinced that this group
of people has a direct line to Spirit and I appreciate you sending good
vibes our way.

Leslie wrote:

> Nina,
> So good to have you back.  I've been thinking a lot of you and Spencer
> while you weren't able to write.  I'm so glad that you've won this
> time with him (we're winning, we're winning!) - each battle is a war,
> you have every reason to celebrate and hope.  (I do agree with
> Michelle, though, keep on with the Dex - deal with the next turn when
> it comes, we're not approaching "long term" yet.)

I am and do celebrate every moment I share with Spencer.  He's truly a
miracle cat.  I wish he'd put some weight back on, but he is doing so
well otherwise!  His eyes are bright, full of love.  He's still coming
to sleep with me at night and he's been even more active lately.  I had
to be away from the house for about 5 hours yesterday and decided to
leave that darn door open again.  Perhaps it would be safer for him to
be locked in a bathroom, it probably would be safer for the rest of my
cats, but I can't see keeping him around without him being able to move
about freely and enjoy the time he has.  One thing Spencer has always
hated is being confined.

> I know that you and yours will make the best decision about the pups
> and have the wisdom to be okay with whatever that turns out to be.
> You ballast the crew, so acknowledging the benefit that the young ones
> gave your sheperd, and then how the peace will be good too, is just as
> acceptable as deciding that the universe tends toward chaos anyway
> (that's the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, so I have proof on this one!)
> so why fight it?

Well, a decision has been made about the Chuskie twins.  I don't know if
it's the "best" decision, but Bruce called the potential adopters last
night and told them we will be keeping them.  I'm still torn, but Bruce
was sure that Zevon would deteriorate rapidly without his brother Koda
to keep him active.  We love them and they are wonderful dogs, if we
didn't have such a full house, if there were more hours in a day, then
there would have been no decision to make.  Pray we've done the right
thing by them.

> Anyway, the Great Cat Meet went down so smoothly and the roly poly
> cats have not stopped yet.  Funny because Satch is three times bigger
> than her, so she just launches herself at him in whatever manner she
> can.  The best is when they are at stand off (you know, both a foot
> apart, one paw raised, ready and waiting for the next flurry of
> action) and she jumps into him, wrapping all four paws around him as
> she's so small, and off they go.  He takes the high road in their
> gallomping trans-apartment travails and she goes under things as he's
> too big to take her route and she's too small to make the leaps he
> pulls off.
> I wish that I knew how to get pictures to you guys, because they are
> really too cute.  She's like a younger sibling, following him
> everywhere, to the scratching post, into the litterbox, when he drinks
> water, she drinks water, etc.  The only thing that she won't let him
> do is sleep.  But he is much calmer now than he was, less clingy
> (though still cuddly), it's nice to see him get all of his energy out
> and happy.

OMG!  How wonderful that they are so happy together.  I love it when
they acclimate to each other and the house so quickly, it tells me that
Beatrix was meant to be with you and Satch.  I found myself smiling
yesterday thinking of them racing around the house together.  Such good
news!  I'm so happy for all of you.  Blessings, blessings, blessings!

> About Satch's cough, the vet determined it to be asthma instigated by
> the URI, so we're treating for that and it's going well.  Anyone with
> tips about asthmatic cats, please pipe in!

Does that mean that Satchmo's cough is getting better?  I haven't any
experience with asthma, although I have heard that human treatments help
them too.  Why don't you write to the list with the word "asthma" in the
subject line?  Have you been Googling for info?  I suspect a couple of
my animals may have a breathing condition too.  Let us know what you
find out.

Much love my dear,

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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