I agree with the big dogs in cages all day. When I was a teenager I did house cleaning and there was this big beautiful dog in a tiny cage. Well the poor thing when us 4 girls would come inside it would be so nervous it would poop in the cage. Well the one day the owner came in and was screaming at this sweet pooch. Cursing saying how could you be such a bleep bleep slob! Poor pooch was trying to get away from the mess in the 2 inch space he had in that cage. Needless to say! LOL that was my last day because I let that lady know what a thoughtless bleep she was. I got fired when we got back to the office...that was when I was 18 and 10 yrs later I still see that big Pooches face. I was friends with the one girl and 2 weeks later the lady gave her the dog! As for new moms..I know some are paronoid of their Babies getting hurt. When I had AJ almost 5 yrs ago Crackers would lay at AJs feet in the crib. I let my moms dog sniff him and lick him! Now my son is an animal lover! And my moms dog wont let NO ONE near my little boy..When he stays over at Mommoms Daisy (moms dog) sleeps at his feet. So many people told me to not let Crackers near AJ ..Crackers would suffocate him..Crackers just gave him soo much love!
kayte and Crackers
P.s. my sons first words kee kee [kitty kat] :)

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