I'm sorry.  I just don't understand.  Are you saying Ellie was always positive.  She gave it to Oreo and he tested positive, but now he's negative?  I don't know if your vet knows what he's doing.  If he tested positive on Elissa and then tested negative a month later I take that as a negative.  Others on the list know more about this.  How and when was Ellie tested, and how do you know that Oreo was negative and caught it from her?  I guess I missed your first post.  It just doesn't really happen that a negative catches felv from a positive and tests positive and then tests negative and would then 'catch' it again.  I guess it could happen, but I have never heard of anything like this.

Kathi Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry I'm getting back with you just now.

Oreo did get it from Ellie. Oreo was given an IFA test just a month after
testing positive on the ELISSA. I understand this vet gave the IFA way too
soon, that perhaps the virus didn't have time to even get into the bone
marrow. I've been told by another vet that he could still have it because
he was re-tested way too soon with the IFA.


>From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
>Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 16:20:09 -0700 (PDT)
>Are you saying Oreo got it from Ellie, but now he doesn't have it any
> t
>Kathi Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Thanks, Tonya. This has given me something to think about. I haven't had
>the other ones tested again and I don't think I will. My vet said if she
>was in my situation she would retest only if I brought them in for an
>illness on down the road. If Ellie tests negative on the IFA on October 13,
>I'll mix her with the others. If she doesn't, I may still integrate her.
>Is that taking a big risk with the 1-year-olds, though? As I said, Oreo,
>who's 1, became infected by Ellie and I know if I mix the two again,
>have a great deal of one-on-one contact. Oreo and Connie have a lot of
>contact now and if Oreo contracts it again, does that put Connie at risk?
>Sorry so many questions. I'm just a nervous mother and FeLV is so new to
>I would miss Ellie so if I found her another home and would always be
>worried if she was happy or not and taken care of. I just am concerned that
>if she has health issues in the future, I can't financially handle the big
>vet bills. Perhaps someone else who's better off financially could give her
>a happy home, too. But the odds of finding someone who is better off
>financially are small, I know. So, it's just wait and see, like everything
>else in life. I try not to panic anymore.
>This is the best site. I've learned more from all of you than I have from
>my vet. I wonder if she knows she shouldn't have tested Ellie with the IFA
>so soon after the ELISSA. I don't see that vet any longer.
> >From: catatonya
> >Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
> >Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:49:35 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >If I were in your situation I would mix. BUT I would not be second
> >guessing myself if one of the others happens to turn up positive down the
> >line. Unless you've had your other cats recently tested they couled be
> >positive right now. Cats can harbor the virus for years. So in my opinion
> >I would mix if all my other cats' leukemia shots were up to date.
> >
> > After 10 years of no one catching felv from my positives I've stopped
> >vaccinating for it every year.
> >
> > tonya
> >
> >Kathi Clark wrote:
> > Althea, 13
> >Tabitha, 11
> >Bear, 5
> >Oreo, 1
> >Connie, 1
> >
> >
> > >From: catatonya
> > >Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > >To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > >Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
> > >Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 19:31:42 -0700 (PDT)
> > >
> > >How old are the other 5?
> > >
> > >Kathi Clark wrote: Are you all saying that if my
> > >5 kitties have been vaccinated and boostered
> > >for FeLV (July 2006) that Ellie, my FeLV+ kitty, can join them now????
> > >have her separated and planned to keep her separated from the others
> >until
> > >I
> > >get the results of her IFA on October 13. October 13 will be 120 days
> >from
> > >the first positive IFA; she tested positive on the ELISSA a month
> > >that. Even if she's still positive after the second IFA, is it okay to
> > >integrate her with the others? I have one kitty who would wrestle and
> >hiss
> > >and spit playfully with her because he already has. Oreo tested
> >on
> > >the ELISSA after contact with Ellie but tested negative on his IFA a
> >month
> > >later. I now know that the vet retested him too soon but I'm too scared
> >to
> > >have him retested with another IFA. I couldn't bear to know that my
> >my
> > >favorite, is still infected. I'd rather not know. Right after the
> >negative
> > >IFA, I added Oreo to the bunch. Ellie, on the other hand, is a
> > >story. I need to know what to do before I integrate her. She's SO very
> > >lonely in a bedroom all by herself. I just would feel like a horrible
> > >mother if any of my others came down with FeLV and it was because of
> >Ellie.
> > >Please tell me what to do. I want the best for everyone -- me, my negs
> >and
> > >my one positive!
> > >
> > >Kathi
> > >
> > >

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