You are doing the right thing.  When I first found out we had a positive amongst us I had an elderly cat with kidney disease and ibd.  He never caught anything from either positive cat and died of kidney failure, still negative.  Good luck.  My positive is up to 6 years old at least.  She was dumped at my vet's door.  Her name is DD for "door dump".  That's what the vets call it when someone leaves a cat with them.  She was at least a year old and a strong positive when I got her in 2000.  Her only problem so far has been overgrooming. (Knock on wood.)

Chelsea Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, My name is Chelsea. In late July a kitten (seemed to be) wandered
into my yard. After thinking she may go home, putting up posts of found
cat, and checking newspapers for lost cat notices, I found she had been
seen at the nearby church and figured she was dumped there. After trying
to find a home fer her, I soon fell in love with this sweet kitty and was
wanting a cat since my oldest cat Oliver had passed in Feb due to kidney
problems (he was about 15). So today Tsunade went to the vet to get her
shots, tests, and get fixed. I was correct she was a girl and in heat,
she had no microchip, was about 8 months - 1.5 years old, and the test
was a strong possitive for felkine leukemia. I decided to keep her as
long as I can. I plan to move in with my boyfriend next year, and he has
a cat of 15 years with kidney problems. Both these cats would be inside
only cats. If his cat gets vaccinated against leukemia, he will probably
be safe from the dieases, correct??? also Tsunade had diahrrea as of
last night (not seen previoulsy) and she has always vomitted more than
normal. The vomit is usually spit, hairs, maybe some grass (she is
inside cat as of now-but will go outside on leash walks) but sometimes
it is a bunch of undigested food chunks. So I plan to get lacatone
furball medicine and digest a meal ASAP, but are there other medicines
she should be on???
thanks, from a dissapointed yet optimistic for 5 + years

Chelsea and Tsunade

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