I took Ciara to the free spay/neuter clinic today to get her spayed.  I was afraid they might not do it as she doesn't seem to be in very good shape to me,  but they did. They mentioned that she had ovarian cysts, and I thought this might be part of why she is unwell, but my vet says ovarian cysts are normal when cats are in heat.
Since I brought her home from the animal shelter in April, she has had URI, eye infection, stomatitis with 8 teeth removed, IBD, and now ovarian cysts. 
She is neg/neg, been dewormed twice, negative fecal, treated for fleas and ear mites.  She seems very immune suppressed.  Dull coat, eaten up with ringworm (I mean big bald patches on tail, back, bald ears), even though none of my other cats have it.
She's on flagyl for the IBD.  I feel bad because they are supposed to look better after they are rescued and she looks worse.
Any ideas for this girl?

Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life!



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