Hi Michelle,
I read your other post first about Lucy taking a slight negative turn :(  You do such a tremendous job of caring for her!  You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Lucy's doing great, knock on wood. Thanks for asking. I am very slowly tapering her pred for her ibd, and she is down to 8.75 mg/day. Still a lot, but a lot less than 15 mg/day, which she was on for a while.  My big thing now is trying to get my vet to order prednisolone versus prednisone.  Someone sent me a bottle of prednisolone, and I think she does better on it than prednisone, but I can't exactly tell my vet that I got some through the mail and tried it, so am trying to convince him based on what I have read.  But her weight is stable at around 8.5 pounds, solid stool once per day, very hungry, no vomiting, very active, etc.  Knock on wood again.  I am always worried about jinxing her.
Thanks again,

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