There are those, I believe who can communicate with animals (or rather, and more likely, it is the animal who instigates and directs the communication and the human that is sensitive or not to that direction), however, I believe these people are very few and far between.  Like any other unproven science, there are more hoaxters out there than legitiment communicators. 
I have found (through my rescue and placement experiences) many of these "communicators" to be people whose personal lives are a complete and total mess, so they "develop" this "skill" to give themselves a sense of control and an exceptional identity...(not that they are doing this to be misleading, but that they are actually misleading themselves in a desparate attempt to gain some sort of supierority or self-worth)....most actually do WANT to help, are longing to be of use, but their "skills" are just imaginary.
True communicators cannot expect to score a true reading each and everytime, nor can they be expected to be omniscent, BUT, if their skills are REAL they should be able to lock onto SOMETHING that is unique to you or one of your pets, present or past...whether it be a unique event, a name, or an evironment.  IF they cannot give you a link that this, something specific...move on to another.
MOST of these communicators, be it human or animal just trade in common sense...which is easily manipulated to fit what we WANT to be true.
Good luck finding the answers you seek, but be willing to accept that the answers just may not be accessible to you in this lifetime.
God bless,

I respect you guys a lot tell me what you really think of the claims these folks make.
I am desperate for answers on some of my rescues.

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