Hi Nina,
    Thank you for the link to the indyferal group, what a great site!  I have some of the supplies to make a shelter already, would only have to buy the insulation, I'll try to get something together this weekend.  The real trick is going to be sneaking it into their yard and hiding it somewhere, brush pile would be good, but they're talking of paying someone to come out and chip it.  MIL thinks that anything I do for the cats is attracting skunks and racoons instead.  I'll work it out somehow...
    I have been meaning to write for advice on Will's med protocol and neutering tips, but got sidelined by Moxy.  I think the initial reason she recommended Will be on continuous antibiotics is because she and I both got so frightened by how quickly things turned bad for his little sister Ally when she went off of them.  Her URI returned, she developed a bright red "swimmer's ear" infection, and she spiked a recurring high fever.  None of this responded as well to the antibiotics as her initial URI and eye infection did.  It just kind of felt like we'd left the door open a crack and couldn't shut it again.  She was eventually pts with suspected wet FIP, (although this wasn't confirmed by necropsy and I have my doubts on the diagnosis).  Maybe it was just the FCov mutating into FIP that made her so susceptible to the other infections and it had nothing to do with stopping the antibiotic, but it all came on so quickly after the first round of meds ended...
  Now, I think that part of the reason he is still on it is maybe because of the interferon alpha.  I know that a side effect for humans receiving it as an injectable is a temporary reduction in circulating WBC's.  Also, viral infections in general suppress WBC's.  This would lead to an increased risk for bacterial infections.  What I don't know is if the low oral dose he receives has the same effect?  I've got a list of questions for my vet, but have more confidence that this list can give me answers than her.  She has never recommended a probiotic, but that was something I've been meaning to ask about.  I think he's lasted longer than she expected and we need to sit down and come up with a long-term plan for him.  The staff at this clinic are wonderful, the techs race each other to be the one who gets to check in my babies, I can feel them rooting for the whole bunch.  And I like the idea of one clinic knowing them from beginning to end.  I just wish the vet was a little more knowledgeable and proactive.  Anyway, here are my questions:
1.  What are the risks/side effects of long-term antibiotics?  (I'll see if I can find some Pet Dophillus to try)
2.  How often should he be having a blood panel run?  Do we do this on an interferon on week, or an off week, or on
     a longer interferon break?  Does it have to be run immediately before the surgery, or wait a few days? a week? to
     see how the poke heals before slicing into his privates?
3.  Do we discontinue the interferon before his neuter surgery?
4.  Don't they build up a resistance/antibodies to the human interferon eventually?  Is it still helping him at this point?
     Would feline interferon be affected by these antibodies, or would it still work after he has received several months of
      the human stuff?
I know this is another long book, you don't have to answer all that, it helps me to clarify what I need to ask the vet if I write it out first.  Are there any other questions I should be asking?
Thank you so much,
Hey Beth,
Thanks so much for the update about your furry gang.  I'm glad everyone, (including little Moxy who doesn't know how to land like a cat), is doing so well.  Why do you have Will on continuous Clavamox?  I was advised to do the same for Hemobart and Doxy, but that was because of the nature of how Dox works against the parasite.  I would be absolutely sure that you understand the reasoning behind this decision and agree with it.  Do you have him on some sort of probiotic to replenish the good bacteria that is wiped out with the "bad" with continual use of abx?   I use something called Pet Dophilus, (I buy it at the health food store).  That's so funny about him eating the lovebird's lettuce.  What a character!  His slow healing process is troubling, but it's not going to get any better as he gets older and being a grown intact Tom is stressful too.  Be sure to look through the archives about surgery and anesthesia to discuss with your vet before his surgery.

It's a good thing your heart is big enough to help compensate for your MILs!  I just ordered a couple of feral outdoor shelters from Indycat: http://www.indyferal.org/index.php?page=shelters&  You might want to check out their site for ideas on creating something for the poor babies still outside.

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