 My niece lives in Vancouver near Portland. What kind of car do you have
and what color is it?

bonnie inWI


----- Original Message -----
From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:33 pm
Subject: Stolen car (non)update
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org

> oh guys, my heart is so heavy and I think that my stinging eyes 
> might just
> make me too tired to actually sleep tonight.  I have read all of 
> your posts
> and printed them to go over tonight and make sure that I follow all
> advice.  I'll put below what I sent to news stations and 
> newspapers, please
> send revisions to make it better.  Do you think that I can resend 
> it to them
> tomorrow?  I'll also call tomorrow those that I sent to today and 
> send to
> more that I think of.  Of course as soon as it was sent I thought 
> of ways to
> make it better, but I just wanted to get something off quickly.
> I'm so exhausted, and I've had to deal with regular stuff too like a
> replacement driver's license (trust me, the DMV is NOT where you 
> want to be
> in this deflated mood - you actually feel like you belong there) 
> and phone
> and rental car and prescriptions.  Too bad they had to retake my 
> photo at
> the DMV and now I'll have to remember this day.
> If the cats weren't involved I'd just be angry.  As I walked out to 
> catchhim taking the car, as I touched the car, as I know that he 
> heard my voice,
> that they heard my voice, my feelings of what if, what if, are so
> overwhelming.  But as he took it.  As he took them.  As he drove 
> away with
> the beings that I swore to protect, that I promised them I would 
> protect, as
> he took them farther, is still taking them farther as minutes go into
> minutes, my despair, my hyperventilation is just going and going.  
> I don't
> blame myself, it is so absurd.  How could I have known?  I couldn't 
> have, so
> I don't blame myself.  But I don't know how I'll be able to sleep 
> tonightknowing that they are out there.  That it is raining and I 
> don't know where
> they are.
> Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I am in Portland, OR.  They were 
> takenfrom Vancouver, WA, I live in Portland.
> I don't want to take an Ambien tonight, because what if the police 
> call, but
> I know that I won't sleep.  As I don't have a computer at home 
> there is
> nothing that I can do, but wait to get back to work and do more.
> I lay my head on all of your shoulders tonight and ask that you 
> send your
> furbabies spirits to be with Satch and Beatrix.  And maybe one or 
> two to
> sleep next to me tonight.
> Hideyo, I hear you.  I will find them.  I will get them back.  And 
> they will
> be okay.  I feel the thread.  I feel it going to them and 
> protecting them.
> I feel you all.
> I don't know anyone could do this with a child in the car.  It 
> would be
> even more unbearable.
> Anyway, on to class, no more to do tonight.
> Leslie
> -----------------------
> Hello,
> My name is Leslie Nies and my car was stolen this morning at 6:30 
> am.  I was
> loading up my car getting ready to drive home from a weekend at my
> boyfriends (he lives in Vancouver, I live in Portland) - which 
> includedovernight bag, book bag, and my two pet cats, Satchmo and 
> Beatrix.  I went
> inside to say goodbye and when I came back out, someone was backing 
> my car
> out the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but the keys were in my 
> pocket,so they must have hotwired it.  I ran toward them yelling 
> "hey" and "get
> out" and started banging on the windshield as they put it in drive. 
> But
> they kept accelerating.
> My boyfriend was already on the phone with the police when I got back
> inside.  Yes, they stole my car, but they also stole my cats!  I 
> can only
> believe that they didn't see them.  It's been suggested to me by a 
> couple of
> people that you might be interested in doing a story on it, and as 
> far as
> I'm concerned, anything that might help me get them back is worth 
> it.  I've
> attached a picture of each of them, there are more on my phone, but 
> that was
> in the car also.
> They are just the best cats and I am going out of my mind worrying 
> aboutfinding them now.  They are both leukemia positive, which 
> means that they
> have compromised immune systems (and why they are indoor only) and 
> thoughthey are currently healthy and rambunctious are on a 
> preventive vitamin.  I
> don't care about the car or the stuff in it, I just want my cats 
> back.  Both
> are microchipped, but neither have collars as they are indoor only 
> cats.Let me tell you a little about them.
> Satchmo is a 6-yr old brown tabby cat.  I rescued him from the Cat 
> AdoptionTeam in Sherwood two years ago.  I started out fostering 
> him, but ended up
> adotping him.  When he came to me, he had a very severe kitty cold 
> that he
> needed to be nursed through and immediately following that he 
> developedcorneal ulcers!  After lots of love and care, he really 
> blossomed into his
> personality and has a beautiful shiny coat now.  Satch and I have been
> through a lot together and I can't stand not having been able to 
> protect him
> from this.  He is the kind of cat that would go up and greet a pit 
> bull.  He
> is 13 lbs of muscle and all heart.  He knows his name and he is a big
> talker!  And a big eater!
> I just decided to adopt Satchmo a buddy not too long ago – he is so 
> livelythat I felt he would benefit from a friend.  Leukemia 
> positive cats can be
> around other leukemia positive cats, so when I was at the Humane 
> Societyvolunteering one Sunday and saw a leukemia positive kitten, 
> I jumped at the
> chance.  I brought home a kitten that I named Azrael, but she was 
> very sick
> and didn't make it.  She and Satch never got to meet.  Her sibling, 
> however,also leukemia positive, was getting over a cold in foster 
> care and when she
> became available for adoption, I decided to go for it, though I was 
> veryscared to repeat my experience with Azrael.  Beatrix was just 
> adopted from
> the Humane Society on Columbia Blvd a month ago.  She is 
> approximately four
> months old and six pounds.  She is a sweet medium-hair 
> tortoiseshell.  She
> acts as though she owns everything and was taking on a great, outgoing
> playful personality.  I am so worried about what this experience 
> might do to
> her.  She shows none of the frailty that Azrael did.  Satch was 
> rescued from
> the streets, but I just hope that Bea can stick close to him.  Even 
> thoughthey were introduced a couple of weeks ago, they already have 
> a strong
> bond.  Unlike many cat meetings, there were no hisses, no puffed 
> tails, they
> basically ran at each other and started rolling around playing from 
> themoment they set eyes on each other and it hasn't stopped.
> They both love my boyfriend's old black lab, Stetson.
> I don't know if the car thief would have kept them in the car, or 
> thown them
> out, and as they haven't found the car, I have no idea what 
> neighborhoodthey could be in.
> Please let me know if you'd like more information or can help me in 
> anyway.I am 28, I work full time for Full Sail Brewing and am also 
> going back to
> school as a post-bacc getting my science requirements for vet school.
> Thank you,
> Leslie Nies
> 360.713.2032

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