I felt so positive this morning, but as the hours pass, it's hard not to feel frantic again.  I hope that the piece aired on channel 2 tonight will help.  I'm running out now to distribute some posters, then I've got to get home to study some before the test tomorrow.  I'll check in again with the news desks.  Do you know if one channel airs something does that makes the rest less likely to?
My big hope is the Oregonian newspaper.  I was told by the Humane Society that they couldn't send something out to the volunteer list unless it was OHS (Oregon Humane Society) related.  I said "but I'm OHS related!"  The woman is very nice, so I'm hoping that if there is a case for rule bending that this is it.  She certainly personally commiserated with me.  I'll try again tomorrow, maybe as things get a bit more desparate, she'll be more willing to help, though I'd certainly rather things not get any more desparate.  I just hope that they aren't locked in the car somewhere remote.
If work can continue to be flexible, I'm going to take a long lunch tomorrow and hit the shelters to peer into the cages.
Words can not express my gratitude to you all.  As I'd written a couple of you, the shock and raw feelings of the actual theft have more than been salved by you - the feelings of distrust and anger at the world in general have been outyelled by all of your open generosity and continued support.  Things will not be all right again until they are back home, but at least I know that evil is not winning in the long run.
Thank you,

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