Title: Message
Dear Kris, I'm so sorry. Please know you're in my thoughts as you grieve for your sweet Luna. It's ok to cry and cry and let it all out.
Everyone's different, but picking up on what you say here I know it's also helped me when the pain of loss seemed overwhelming to remember that he, or she, was no longer in pain, and no longer suffering. I'm just glad that Luna knew what it was to be so loved and cared for and knew he could trust you to do the best for him.
hugs, Kerry
Thank you. It's been hours, and I still have my other cats, but I still can't find peace within myself. I know he's probably content now; he's not in pain and he's not suffering. But I'm grieving so terribly bad. I can't stop. It has not been like this for my other kitties. I don't mean I didn't grieve, I did. But the crying would stop. I just can't seem to with Luna's death. It just seems so much more unfair because he was so little still. This was the hardest thing I've ever experienced in my life. Maybe it was because he died in my arms and my others didn't.

----- Original Message ----
From: Kris Kulak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:21:02 PM
Subject: Re: My Little Luna

He died in my arms. He was so weak. I couldn't bear the pain he was having.


I am so, so, so sorry.  Did he die during the transfusion? It's ok if you can not write about it, but it might help us in the future to know this.






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