Thank you so much for the article. It answers more questions than any vet. The vet does suggest three tooth extractions although she said this would buy the cat only 3 to 6 months. Eventually all the teeth will have to be removed. The article mentioned irritability because of the mouth pain. That is very accurate in Samantha 's case. She definitely is irritible. I noticed that ever since I adopted her.
Nancy Schneider Management Analyst Dept of Transportation 12544 Saticoy St N Hollywood 91605 Voice(818) 756-9558 Fax (818) 756-9245 >>> Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/26/06 5:22 AM >>> Nancy, Here is an article on what your vet is saying your baby has: If your vet is right and your kitty has FORL (Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions), it is a very painful disease and really needs to be treated. Here is a quote from this article > Cats with immune system deficiency caused by infection with FIV or > FeLV often have chronic oral inflammation, although most cats with > FORL test negative for these two viruses. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design] ------------ BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]