You are so right. I can testify as to the quality of the vets I have
consulted. They charge me at least $200 to $300 every visit and tell me
erroneous info. One of my dogs had a benign cyst. I took her down to the
vet. He extracted the cyst, but when they shaved her tummy they nicked
her with the razor. When the bandage was removed I couldn't understand
what had caused the wound. The vet either knowingly or unknowingly said
it was another growth. He charged me another $200 for antibiotic and the
office visit. I later asked a friend what they thought it was. When he 
said it was a nick from the razor, everything fell into place. I have
since then learned not to trust vets, but to be skeptical about what
they say.
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/26/06 6:48 PM >>>
I think that the reason this list is different is that it takes a
sort of person to want to and be willing to care for cats with FeLV. 
takes a lot of compassion, and also a lot of willingness to face hard
things,  and 
also a willingness to have an open mind and do some research. All of
makes the list self-selecting, I think, to people who are more
compassionate and less combative than on other lists. And people withh
positive cats also have to deal with the fact that most vets are just
abysmal  and 
clueless on this subject, which makes us really need to depend on each
other  to 
learn the information that we all need to take care of our cats. 
Which,  I 
think, also makes us nicer and less combative than people on other
because we really NEED to be here for very practical reasons, and we
really  need, 
and recognize that we need, each other's advice and information.   With
we do not have the luxury of alienating each other in order to have a 
argument.  I am not sure that people on other lists feel so dependent 
on each 
other.  In fact, on one of the IBD lists a woman really, really  tore
into me 
for questioning something that another member had been told by a  vet. 
wrote that it was completely inappropriate for me to do that  because I
do not 
have a veterinary degree.  It was one of the reasons I  left that list.
I can 
not imagine anyone on this list writing that. We have all  had such bad

experiences with vets, so we don't put them on a pedestal. Which  does
make us need 
each other more.
Just my thoughts.  I have spent some time thinking about the subject, 

because this list really is so amazing, and so much better than all the

Nancy Schneider
Management Analyst
Dept of Transportation
12544 Saticoy St
N Hollywood 91605
Voice(818) 756-9558
Fax (818) 756-9245

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