Hideyo - That is so dear!  I have little songs that I made up and that I sing to my dear ones here.  I've noticed that cats are so sensitive - not only to very subtle energy - but they are so very sensitive to sound and sound variations.  They love songs!  That song has to be one of the dearest gifts you could have given her. 
(Antonio HATES the 'stinky butt' song though)
It is so interesting to observe how the kids respond to different types of music that I play.  Vivaldi (the Four Seasons) is their hands-down favorite...and they LOVE Tibetan monk chants.  Stray cats gather when I play them.  The little stinkers inside have even figured out how to turn on the stereo using the remote.
We are an eight-cat household (one FeVL+ dearheart)  Phelix is the alpha male of the local pride (and my soul-mate).  When any of the kids act up and breaks a household rule - Phelix will correct them pronto.  One morning recently, the kids were acting up in the great room early in the morning while I was sleeping -  and one of them apparently stepped on the remote for the stereo and tuned in to one of the local radio stations.  Phelix knew that this was outside of our realm of 'routine things that are supposed to happen'..so - while sleepy head here was dreaming -- he jumped up on the bed and gently swatted my face two times with his paw.  When I didn't respond...he put his cold nose on my nose and tried to get my attention.  Being a non-morning person - I turned over and told him to go away.  He faithfully hopped to the side of the bed where I had turned and gently smacked my face twice again and then pressed his cold nose against mine to tell me that something wasn't quite correct. 
Finally, I got up and addressed the problem.  Once I took care of that -- we all settled down to sleep again.  He has also been known to inform me if I left something on the stove and it has begun to boil.  Cat intelligence is severely underrated.
Phelix is an awesomely intelligent tuxedo baby that was born with only one eye.  Don't tell him - because he doesn't know.  He has no handicap as witnessed by his incredible hunter/playtoy/laser success.  He is my shadow...he is my heart.  Right now -- because I am not giving him enough attention...he is sitting beside the monitor - and every little while - he reaches out and smacks my reading glasses off of my face because I am not giving him enough attention.
In a message dated 10/27/2006 2:50:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thank you so much, Elizabeth!   I actually wrote a song for Dharma and sing it all the time so that all the energy on earth can hear it and help Dharma heal…


Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:54 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Dharma go her first shot of epogen - please pray that it will only help her..



Lots of love and white light going to you and Dharma.  I hope so much this will help her. 





-----Original Message-----
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: Dharma go her first shot of epogen - please pray that it will only help her..

Hi, everyone thank you very much for your input.. after debating in my heads for a few days, I just gave her the first shot of epogen.. the vet told me to give 0.04 ml (she weighs only  lb) – I know it’s a smaller amount than the regualar protocol, but since her kidney function is working just fine,, that’s why I gave her – I realized that no matter what, if I did or did not do.. I am going to regret thinking “what if” anyway.. and if the antibody reaction happens in 4 or 5 months later, I will worry then,, right now, I needed to worry about not losing her to anemia, and in addition to predisolone, I decided to try epogen – everyone, please please I beg you please continue to pray for my little Dharma –she is so small abut she is so strong tyring to overcome this illness – I need all your prayers keep coming .. that she will start reproducing lots of lots of red blood cells and she will feel better and happy!  And please again pircutre my Dharma recdeiving and surrounded by lots and lots of white beam of positive lights!!

Again, thank you for all your support in advance J


Hideyo and Dharma.

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If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. ~St. Francis

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