It has now been over 24 hours since Lucy got her last Clavamox, but she is still having completely liquid diarrhea-- 3 times already this morning.  I gave her probiotics twice, to no avail (in the past they have seemed to make her worse, actually).  Has anyone had a cat get diarrhea from antibiotics, and if so how long did it take to straighten out? I am worried that, since she has IBD already, this is becoming something more than just the antibiotics.
Also, I took her temp and it was 102.2.  I know that this is basically a high normal temp, but her temp on Wed after her fever broke was 101.5.  Does this mean she has a fever again? I was worried about taking her off the abx early.  I just pilled her with some lysine (though for all I know that is giving her diarrhea) and gave her fluids. I also gave her flagyl this morning, but not sure if that is a good idea or not. Normally if her bowels get loose I up her pred, but I am worried about doing that because she still has a little bit of the URI and is off the abx.
She is eating, but only a few licks at a time.  She only wants plain raw turkey or turkey baby food, and will have a few licks of each about every hour. I force-fed her some of the raw turkey this morning as well, but am wondering if maybe I should just give her intestines a break.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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