   The feeding tube is really easy, the main thing is go slow, start out slowly, so for instance on day one, start with 20cc to 30ccs every 2 or 3 hours, try to get at least 120ccs to 160ccs the first day, it would take me about 10 to 15 minutes to do 20 or 30ccs at a time.  Try and work up to 60ccs a sitting by the third day.

Make sure the vet gives you metachloprimide to give 3 times a day 30 to 40 minutes before the meal.  I would give it to Buddie before her first meal around 6AM, then again around noon or 12PM, and again around 6:30 or 7PM.  It helps get the digestive juices going, Buddie would get nauseated if she didn't get it.  Some cats are fine without it but Buddie and Bailey both would get nauseated.  The main things are go slow, be relaxed, it isn't too bad and like I said Buddie got to where she loved her tube feedings, she really loved them and would lay on all 4 purring and then flop over on her side when I was done and nap!!  She never tried to get away and was as calm as can be.  She would wait on the couch for me to get her syringes ready.  Bailey didn't love them like Buddie but he usually sat still for them.  I would feed him whereever he was at the time or put him in his catbed on the couch and fed him.

Each meal would take 20 to 30 minutes to get through once I had worked up to 60ccs a sitting, it took about 3 days I think to get up to 60ccs every 4 or 5 hours, she was getting 220 to 230ccs a day once we were up to maximum.

I kept a record of her feedings and once we were up to her maximum she got her metachloprimide at 6AM, then 60ccs of AD at 6:30AM,
metachloprimide at 12PM and 60ccs of AD at 12:30PM,
metachloprimide at 6:30 or 7PM and 60ccs of AD at 7 or 7:30PM
then I fed her her last meal of 40ccs or 50ccs AD at 10 or 11PM usually closer to 11, then it was bedtime.  You can vary this to whatever works for you and Dukee, some cats do better with smaller meals more times throughout the day some can handle more food less times a day. You'll know if it isn't working because he will probably act nauseated or throw up.  If he ever does throw up try going smaller meals more often.  If he continues to throw up, have the vet xray and make sure the tube hasn't moved.  Buddie only threw up one time when I gave her her meds on an empty tummy.  Never did that again   :)  When feeding I would syringe about 5ccs at a time and wait 20 or 30 seconds in between.  If your tube ever gets plugged try coke or papaya juice to unplug it.  Also ALWAYS flush with about 5ccs of water after each meal to make sure there is no food sitting in it to plug it up.

I would open a can of AD put it in a bowl add as little water as I needed to get it juicy enough to suck up into the syringe.  Keep the left over syringes in a plastic bag in the fridge and take them out and put them in a bowl of hot water to heat them before a meal.  Buddie & Bailey both liked theirs about room temperature.

With Bailey he had to get his metachloprimide about 1 hour before he ate or he was still a little nauseated so each cat can be a little different.  You'll figure out what works best for Dukee.

I have a bunch of tubes left over from Buddie and I would be happy to mail them to you, there is at least 20 or 30 I'm sure.  I had to use new ones after about 5 or 6 uses, they would start sticking and not slide smoothly anymore.

Ask your vet if the tube is between the 7th and 8th rib, it has to stop before it goes into the stomach or the cat will gag and get sick, he should have taken an xray to verify it's position, for what they charged I would want to see that xray.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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