
Thanks for taking the time to find out what we needed
to know about the Acemannan.  If anyone here belongs
to other kitty groups that discuss Acemannan, pass it


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I finally have some information that may be of use. 
> This afternoon, I called Carrington Labs and told
> them the whole story of how I had been trying to get
> information about this Acemannan audit.  I told them
> that since people were unable to get accurate
> information and that no one could buy the product,
> people were starting to speculate that there was
> something wrong with the product or that there had
> been some kind of contamination.  After I told them
> that, they put me in touch with Kirk Mares the head
> of the veterinary division of Carrington Labs - a
> very nice, courteous and helpful man.  
> Here is what happened and what is going on to the
> best of my understanding.
> What happened is very typical of dealing with
> government red tape.  As you know, Acemannan is a
> very new product on the market.  It does fall under
> the USDA biologics department.  Carrington Labs
> followed all of the prodacol for the approval
> process and had all of the appropriate tests
> performed as part of that process.  It turns out,
> however, that when the USDA did a routine audit,
> they discovered that one of the tests had been
> performed by an outside agency - one that was very
> reputable but nontheless, the test was performed off
> the premisis of Carrington Labs.  As a result - the
> USDA said - whoa!  Stop everything until we have
> this test performed in house and evaluate  the
> results....something that was a technicality -
> something that should have been done as part of the
> initial approval process.  So - the audit was
> routine...stopping the sales wasn't so routine.
> The test was completed yesterday (I don't know which
> test it was)...and the results are in and everything
> is in order and meets or exceeds what is required. 
> The USDA expidited the process and made a great
> effort to do a turn-around on this product in a
> matter of weeks (rather than the usual months that
> it takes).  Carrington Labs is waiting to receive
> the official documentation from the USDA that says -
> "All is well - proceed"..and as soon as they get
> that, then they can release the hold on sales.  Kirt
> Mares said that they expect this to happen around
> the first of November and that he will call me...but
> if I haven't heard from him by the 10th - to call
> him.
> Now -- here's the rub:  In the mean time while all
> of this was going on - Acemannan was not being
> manufactured...they couldn't without that piece of
> paper from the USDA.  SO -- when the block on sales
> is released, you can buy Acemannan from the stock of
> current distributors...but there won't be a release
> of newly manufactured Acemannan until January....so
> if you want some - when the block is removed....you
> better scarf it up.
> Mr. Mares (I hope I am spelling that correctly) said
> that they are working on a veterinary application of
> Manopol that will be available from the same sources
> that is an oral supplement in powder form.  It has
> been tested on cats and dogs with very good results.
>  It is considered an immunostimulant.  Currently
> Manopol (for people) is available in three strengths
> and I think it is the lowest strength of Manapol
> that has been tested on animals.  If I am not
> mistaken, you can buy this without a prescrciption. 
> He said that he sent Dr. Nicholson at Veterinary
> Products Laboratories a lot of information about the
> Manapol yesterday.  
> Mr. Mares also told me that the big guru on
> Acemannan who has been most instrumental in the
> study of this product lives in Austin, TX.  His name
> is Dr. Greg Biehl and the name of the clinc where he
> works is Brykerwood.  
> Carrington Labs was very helpful and professional on
> the phone...not just Mr. Mares but also the customer
> service representative who initially answered the
> phone.  What I liked about him was that if he didn't
> know something - he would tell me to hang on a
> minute and he would actually go and hunt down that
> information.  He found out exactly who I should talk
> to and transferred me and gave me the extension just
> in case we got disconnected.  If all companies had
> that level of customer service, the world would be a
> better place.  I feel confident that we got the real
> scoop on things from Carrington.
> I hope this is helpful to you.  I am very glad to
> finally understand what is going on.
> love and kitty head butts,
> elizabeth
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