Dexamethasone is a miracle drug. It works really quickly and really well.  I hope it continues to work for her for a long time.
P.S. how much did you give her? 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: Dharma's little miracle..(sorry it's long)

Hi, everyone – thank you very much all your prayers and positive thought for my little Dharma --
Last night, from work, I called home and asked Greg to check on Dharma to how she was doing on the phone.. and he told me that he couldn’t find her anywhere – she has been on top of the armoire or couch for the past few days, she was not found there – and I freaked out.. I figure that she was not feeling well and she was hiding some place y. – I panicked and drove like a maniac and came home to find her --- I found her right away,, between the corner of couch and the wall --- she must have not been feeling well – I started crying and freaked out as I could tell that something was wrong.. I picked her up and took a look at her.. nothing was specially different but she acted like her tummy was hurting and had a little labored breathing (not fast) – so I called and  talked to my AC, jasmine right away to find out what was going on with Dharma, and she told me that she had a tummy ache and that’s why she was hiding and she also has a bit of water in her chest (or lung area) – can’t remember which one..and that’s why she has a bit of labored breathing.. and she tried to move but  she almost couldn’t walk and sort of fell and I freaked out even more..
So, I went ahead and gave her a shot of Dex for the first time and see if it was going to help her if there was any inflammation – and I gave more interferon and some homeopathic remedy recommended by holistic experts..  I have been syringe feeding her every day , but last night, I did not want to bother her,, she hates me to do that so much and I wanted to give some peace and quiet…
This morning, she somehow looked better – her hair coat is still so shiny and beautiful and she seems to be more alert and moved around a bit.. and I was so happy to see her feeling a bit better – I wanted to syringe feed her this morning, but I did not want to bother her as she really get annoyed.. so instead, I put a plate of the baby food in front of her.. I really did not expect to eat as she had not been eating on her own for the past couple of days --- but – that’s when a miracle happened – she STARTED EATING the baby food on her own!!!!!  I know it’s a small thing,, but when your kitty has not been eating and become anorexia from having FIP, it’s such a great improvement!
I cried more --- of course.. I told her how proud of her I am and how much I loved her.. she almost sort of winked at me –
Also, Jasmine told me that Dharma is feeling a lot of pressure from me wanting so badly to make her better –so instead,, I started since last night.. I started praying for what’s best for Dharma and not what I want.. to become less selfish – and love Dharma the way she is and not expecting her to be more or less of who she is ..and I felt so much lighter and free.. and let go of all the controls and fears.. she is with me today.. and not being afraid of what could happen as it may never happen..
Nina--- I am repeating every few seconds.. “have a faith, and not fear..” – and it’s helping me and helping Dharma – and also not freak out as I did last night.. my little Dharma is teaching me a valuable lesson to me – I cannot force her what I want.. it’s her body and give her some freedom.. I don’t know what the future will hold for Dharma – today is a new day.. and all I know is that I will continue to love her no matter what…..

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