I'm so sorry for your loss of Luna.  I'm glad you've got little Gabriel now.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kris that was such a sweet thing for your students to do.So sorry about Luna.Give Gabriel a scritch on the cheek for me. :)
Sherry and her big fluff balls of love. Rafferty,CousCous,Xander and Tristan >>^..^<<

Kris Kulak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Everyone,
It's been almost a week without Luna. I still hurt, but have had something wonderful come out of this. I teach, and when I found out last Friday my little Luna's prognosis, I had a classroom full of students; my third period. They saw my reaction (I'm terrible at hiding how I feel). They had a ton of questions which I answered.
Anyway, the weekend passed and on Monday, they wanted to know how Luna was. I told them. They were so sympathetic and all wanted to hug me (they're 6th graders) that it made me cry. The following day, Tuesday, I had a bunch of homemade sympathy cards. Also, one student brought me a dozen roses and a homemade card which he and his mom signed.
To let you know how much more wonderful they are, apparently, behind my back, they were plotting to get me another kitty. The guidance counselor wanted to know if I was going to do something with cats in my class because many kids were asking her about them. Anyway, it turns out that one student had a kitten left from a litter that they couldn't find a home for. The kids decided that would be my new cat. The child along with her parents brought the kitten to my house Tuesday evening. How sweet is that? It's so nice to know that so many people care.
I named him Gabriel after God's messenger angel. I felt the name was appropriate. I students were all angels and the kitty is a wonderful gift.

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