Some of BooBo's spots are coming back but she is still running around
and acting like a normal kitten. I bought some Prozyme and some L-Lysine
via (the vet didn't want me to give her it but am not sure
why). Also purchased Dr. Belfield's Mega Vitamin C.

I got her bloodwork results:

ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 11 11 Marcus Avenue Lake Success NY 11 042 Phone:
800-872-1 001
Edward M. Mimnagh, VMD
10 N Hanover St
Hershey, PA 17033
Tel: 71 7-566-322 1
Fax: 71 7-566-8058
Client # 6783
Chart #
Accession No. Doctor Owner Pet Name Received
NA90856227 CEPERICH F R U L L A ~ BOOB0 10/27/2006
Species Breed Sex Pel Age Reported
Feline Domestic Short Hair SF 6M t0127/2006 05:31 AM
Test Requested Results Reference Range Units


Glucose Result 107 Reference Range 64-170
Urea N~trogen Result 27 Reference Range 14-36
Creatinine Result 0.8 Reference Range 0.6-2.4
Total Protein Result 7.7 Reference Range 5.2-8.8
Albumin Result 3.5 Reference Rage 2.53.9
Total Bilirubin Result 0.1 Reference Range 0.1-0.4
Alkaline Phosphatase Result 44 Reference Range 6-102
ALT (SGPT) Result 91 Reference Range 10-100
AST (SGOT] Result 35 Reference Range 10-100
Cholesterol Result 96 Reference Range 75-220
Calcium Result 10.0 Reference Range 8.2-10.8
Phosphorus Result 7.8 Reference Range 2.4-8.2
Sodium Result 156 Reference Range 145-158
Potassium Result 4.1 Reference Range 3.4-5.6
Chloride Result 117 Reference Range 104-128
AlbuminlGlobulin Ratio Result 0.8 Reference Range 0.35-1.5
BUN/Creatinine Ratio Result 34 (HIGH) Reference Range 4-33
Globulin Result 4.2 Reference Range 2.35.3
Lipase Result 33 Reference Range 0-205
Amylase Result 1798 (HIGH) Reference Range 100-1200
Triglycerides Result 369 (HIGH) Reference Range 25-260
CPK Result 121 Reference Range 56-529
GGTP Result <5 Reference Range 1-10
Magnesium Result 1.7 Reference Range 1.5-2.5
Lipemia 1 +, the Following results may be affected by this degree of
Lipase may be increased by 10-20%
Hemolysis I+, the following results may be affected by this degree of
ALT may be increased by 15-20%
AST may be increased up to 10%
LDH may be increased up to 20%
Bilirubin may be decreased up to 80%

Hemoglobin 9.0 (LOW) Reference Range 9.3-15.9
Hematocrit 27.5 (LOW) Reference Range 29-48
WBC 13.8 Reference Range 3.5-16.0
RBC 5.62 (LOW) Reference Range 5.92-9.93

Test Requested Results Reference Range Units
MCV 49 Reference Range 37-61 
MCH 16-0 Reference Range 11-21 
MCHC 32.7 Reference Range 30-38 
Platelet Count 86 (LOW) Reference Range 200-500
Platelet clumps are detected in this sample.Platelet clumping prevents
precise determination of a platelet count [by any method) and falsely
decreases the platelet number. The reported count reflects the MINIMUM
platelet number. The platelet estimate reflects the estimated
contribution of the platelet clumps.
Platelet Estimate Adequate Adequate
Differential Absolute %
Neutrophils 8004 58% Adequate 2500-8500
Bands 0 0% Adequate 0-150
Lymphocytes 4278 31% Adequate 1200-8000
Monocytes 1242 (HIGH) 9% Adequate 0-600
Eosinophils 138 1% Adequate 0-1000
Basophits 138 1% Adequate 0-150
FeLV Antigen (ELISA) Weak Positive *Neg
Verified by repeat analysis.
A weak positive reaction has been detected by the Feline Leukem~a Virus
Antigen test kit. Resubmit in 3-4 weeks for further evaluation. Verified
by repeat analysis.
FIV Antibody Neg *Neg
- - - - - - - FIV Interpretive Comment - - - - - - - -
Positive result indicates that antibody to Feline Immunodeficiency virus
(FIV) is present. In kittens under 6
months old this may be due to vaccination. passively acquired maternal
antibodies,or infection w~th FIV:
retesting is recornrnen~af ter 6 months of age. Positive ELSA screening
tests in cats over 6 months old
may be due t inkction with, or vacc~nationf or, FIV. In non-vaccinated
cats, a Western Blot test is required to
confirm infection.
Negative result may indicate: 1) no FIV infection, or 21 FIV infection
but inadequate time for
seroconversion. Cats with potential exposure that test negative should
be retested at least 3 to 4 months
later Kittens tested prior to 6 months old sttoukj be retested after 6
months whether their first test was
posit- or negative.
Equivccal result indicates a weak reaction ( greater than the negative
control. but less than the positive
cutoff recommended by the rnanufacturer).lf the cat is not vaccinated,
FIV Western blot analysis is

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